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Mindful Leadership

Courage, Calm, Clarity


13th September 9.30-12.30pm

11th  October 9.00-10.00am

Open Programmes


More courage

More calm

More creativity

More confidence

More clarity

What is it?

Meditation is widely understood and known for being good for our mental health.

Leaders have been using the skills of meditation for decades to help keep their thinking clear in complex situations, to stay courageous in uncertain times and remain calm whatever challenge gets thrown their way.

In this online workshop brought to you by Frankly, you will be taught an effortless approach to meditation. One you can do anytime, anywhere without the need for apps, timers or gurus!

A fundamental and life saving tool for every leaders toolkit.

Your course

Please note this course includes 8 short learning videos (four will be sent to you before the course) and four will be sent after the main learning session. You will also be invited to a one hour check in on 11th October 9-10am to see how your practice is going and ask any questions which have emerged following the training.


You will leave with a tool which will give you;

  • a greater capacity to centre and ground yourself as you lead through any amount of change
  • more clarity, courage and calm for your everyday
  • the ability to respond rather than react to external triggers, people and events
  • an understanding of the brain and your conscious and unconscious thinking
  • greater control of your thoughts and feelings
  • a greater sense of control in a wider aspect of your life and work
  • a tool to settle your nervous system in tricky times
  • the ability to keep your sh*t together when everyone else is losing theirs
  • improved mental, emotional and physical wellbeing the natural way
  • connection to the big picture, yourself and what’s important

How to sign up?

Tickets are limited due to the nature of the programme

You can secure your place via eventbrite

Your facilitator

This workshop will be held and taught by the wonderful Jo Royle. Jo is a practical and pragmatic meditation teacher, a creatrix of ceremony and an intuitive wellbeing coach. She has years of experience working with managers and leaders in organisations, helping them to navigate challenging times. Having swapped her corporate consultancy career for van life she travelled the coastline of the UK in a converted library bus with her family, finally settling on the Isle of Skye. She is an experienced meditation teacher (having taught this practice to almost 500 people over the years), a transformative coach and an interfaith minister passionate about supporting and holding people as they travel through life’s transitions.

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