If you’ve read our blog on Unveiling the secrets to team success, and you’re clear that your team is set up for success, then you might be wondering what else could be going wrong, if you feel that your team isn’t quite pulling together for peak performance.
There are many things that can go wrong with teams;
- Poor communication
- Absence of trust
- Conflict and disagreements
- Unclear roles and responsibilities
- Inadequate leadership leading to directionless teams
- Micromanagement
- Lack of accountability
- Insufficient skills to do the job well
- Poor time management and lack of focus
- Resistance to change, taking risks, trying new ways of working
- Burnout and stress
- Cultural or values/beliefs differences
- Lack of recognition affecting motivation and morale
If you’re in a team and you’re finding that something isn’t quite flowing, then you’d well to look to Lencioni’s model of high performing teams. He suggests there are five key aspects of being in a team that need your attention if your team is going to be effective.
He also recommends that you follow the steps in the following order. If you try to embrace conflict without first building trust, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
Step 1: Build Trust
A team that understands they’re working in a safe environment achieve more together. Your team needs to encourage people speaking up. When one member is struggling, other teams should be there to support. It’s also important that you leverage the strengths of the team. Looking to the concept of Amy Edmondson’s Psychological safety will help triage this area.
Step 2: Embrace Conflict
Conflict unaddressed goes underground. That’s where passive behaviour, sarcasm, digs, obstinance and stubbornness stem from. Encourage your team to confront problems and issues quickly. Practice developing practical solutions together. Get input from team members and try to minimise politics. If you still need help, hire a mediator.
Step 3: Ensure Commitment
Often overlooked because it’s assumed by leaders that individuals will be on board (because it’s their job). Taking time to ensure you have buy in and alignment on shared objectives. Make sure that direction and priorities are clear and understood by al. Silence is not consent. Get your team to explain back to the wider team what they understand by the goals. Ensure that you take regular opportunities to engage and realign with eachother.
Step 4: Sustain Accountability
Poor performance must be managed effectively, constructively and in a timely manner. You must agree one standard for all and be mutually accountable. All team members must have the power and authority to support performance which falls short.
Step 5: Attention to Results
A team that’s not aligned to what good looks like will fall short on motivation and morale. Agreement on what outstanding looks like and clarity on how you will both measure and celebrate will ensure your team remains motivated and aligned.
To read more on Lencioni’s Functions of High Performing Team, click here
And if you’re still feeling stuck or stagnant with your teams performance, send us a message, we’d be more than happy to support you back to full performance.