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Although gender equality benefits both men and women, the change required for it to happen, is still largely being held and championed by women. There are ally’s out there of course, many of them exist in my circle.

When I speak to them, they tell me stories of discomfort joining women’s events, feeling unwelcome, holding the responsibility for the issue on behalf of all the men that came before, feeling a little hopeless, not wanting to be a white male saviour and get it wrong… all valid thoughts and feelings of course.

One of the issues with gender equality (as I see it) is that it’s largely positioned to be a benefit to women, that women are on the back foot and therefore it’s women that need to drive the change.

But what if, gender equality became more of a WE thing and an OUR challenge?

Imagine if men and women were to put their energy and creativity together to tackle this challenge – for the good of all – just imagine the possibilities for all of us.

Perhaps we need to start taking a wider view of the benefits.

Here’s my take on seven of the key benefits that could improve the lives of men if we together we champion (nay insist) on gender equality. Together we’re stronger right?

Do me a favour once you’ve read it…

  1. Like it to let me know it landed usefully
  2. Comment on it and let me know what it triggered in you and any ideas you have for this movement
  3. Share it with you friends of all genders and get them involved in the debate
  4. Start a gender enquiry group in your organisation to really look at change – Ive added some enquiry questions at the bottom of this article to get you started.
  5. Reach out to me and lets talk more about what data and change your eco system needs to be truly inclusive for all.

Seven ways gender equality benefits men

1. Improved relationships

Gender equality fosters more balanced and respectful relationships between partners and work colleagues, leading to healthier, more fulfilling connections with people you care about

2. Greater emotional freedom

Men are often subject to societal expectations around masculinity. When these expectations are relaxed, more human and inclusive of all forms of masculinity, men can relax. They are freer to express their emotions reducing the burden of having to conform to restrictive gender norms

3. Work life balance/blend

With more equitable distribution of household and parenting responsibilities, men can enjoy a better work-life blend, spending more quality time with their loved ones

4. Economic benefits

Gender equality is well researched for boosting performance in the workplace contributing positively to economic growth which in turn creates more job opportunities for all

5. Health benefits

A big factor in the cause of stress, is attempting to live up to expectations, either societal or family and friendship systems you’re part of. With less pressure to conform to traditional or stereotype masculine roles, men can experience better physical and mental health

6. Enhanced personal and professional development

Gender equality encourages men to pursue interests and careers in fields traditionally dominated by women, broadening their opportunities for personal growth and fulfilment

7. Social cohesion

A more equal society tends to be more stable and peaceful, reducing conflict and creating a safer environment for everyone, including men

Starting a gender equality enquiry group in your organisation

If you’re interested in starting a respectful conversation within your business to explore the benefits to your eco-system, Ive put together the following enquiry questions to get you started… and if you feel this enquiry could add value to the development of your leadership culture, get in touch as we have plenty of tools and processes to facilitate such a project.

  • What does gender equality mean to you personally
  • How do you see gender roles and expectations playing out in your daily life and work environment?
  • How have your personal experiences shaped your views on gender equality?
  • How does gender inequality affect teams and individuals in your workplace?
  • What are potential benefits for men and women in better gender equality within your group/business?
  • What is the biggest barrier you see to gender equality in our business?
  • How can we address and overcome these barriers together?
  • What beliefs about gender roles might you need to challenge to create a more gender equal workplace?
  • How can we hold ourselves and each other accountable for this change?
  • What did you learn from our conversation

To find out more about how we can support the development of your leadership culture, email