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As the season changes into Autumn, we find ourselves either directly or energetically feeling into that back to school feeling. There’s a notable chill in the air, the leaves are already turning into their autumnal hues, and the wardrobes are quickly being refilled with knitwear, jackets and scarves.

In our workplaces, most people have been navigating busy summers either taking holidays and catching up with family and friends or navigating school holidays for those with children. Summer is jam packed outward energy.  As we regroup in our work families and teams after this busy period, it’s important to hit the pause button and take stock before rushing into another season on auto pilot with each other.

After all, do what you’ve always done, and get what you’ve always got

Regenerative leadership (leadership which puts the planet and humankind first), would invite us as leaders to take our inspiration from nature. So in this seasonal switch to autumn, I’m bringing you my top tips for how to incorporate and integrate the wisdom of autumn into your team meetings.

What is it about Autumn I need to know?

What on earth has autumn got to do with work you ask? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. As well as being an expert on leadership I’ve also got a degree in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, a philosophy that brings about better balance and flow. Tools to help harmonise.

Five element philosophy, is a holistic framework rooted in acupuncture, that views the universe and human beings as interconnected and dynamic systems. It focusses on the balance and interaction of five elements or energies, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, which follow the five calendar seasons Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autum and Winter.

These elements and energies are believed to govern the natural world, human health and behaviour.

In autumn we look to Metal energy. Representing structure, clarity, decay, the process of letting go as well as recognising what has value and should be treasured. To read more about this season transition on a personal level – have a look at this blog.

In other words Autumn in the work place encourages us to look at what’s not working and let it go. And also to appreciate what is working.

Using Autumn energy to reinvigorate your team meetings

1.        Do a good quality check in at the start of your meetings to really hear how people are doing. For more information on what a good quality check in looks like, click here.

2.        Incorporate time doing a light touch appreciative enquiry, inviting people to say one thing they value / appreciate about another person (or it could just be the person to the left). You could also ask your team to use this approach but reflect on the team itself – what’s appreciated about the team, what do we do well?

3.        Review your company values or team ways of working (nb if you don’t have these, I’d highly recommend you get an expert to help you create and embed them). Values and shared ways of working create the container for psychological safety, which mean less sh*te to sort out. Ideally I’d make this fun, take a full day, get offsite and go somewhere creative.

4.        Trees in autumn show us that letting go (falling leaves) is essential for new growth in spring. Ask your team to share what is no longer working in the team. It might be activities, processes, meetings, clients, suppliers, ways of working, the environment, the culture. Start to pay attention to that which no longer serves you and give it a good send off.

5.        Honour the value of those that came before. Simply acknowledging that we don’t actually own roles, we just occupy them for a time, free’s us up to honour all those who’ve occupied the role before and all the value brought before our time. Light a candle or raise a glass to all those who came before and those who will come after. Maybe you could create a wall in your office or a timeline, a great way to honour the contribution of others.

6.        Prioritise – autumn energy likes structure and organisation. Get clear and share your individual and collective priorities to ensure there is alignment on the work as you move into the September workload.

7.        Development one-to-ones. September and back to school energy is a great time to review your team’s career goals and ambitions as well as your developmental areas. I always recommend that leaders do this differently to standard work 121’s. Go for lunch, go for a walk, change the environment, meet offsite. Make it empowering and constructive and be clear what if anything needs to change or be let go of.

So there you have it, seven ways to use autumn energy to keep your team meetings fresh and aligned with the energy of the season.  A great way to introduce mother earth into your business in a meaningful way.

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Warm toasty autumn wishes, Jennifer x