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FRANK Culture

This hard-to-define – yet crucial – element of an organisation flavours everything. Forget strategy and development work; if your culture doesn’t allow people to thrive, you won’t reach your goals.

Culture consultancy


This is for you if you…

  • A leader or business owner
  • Want to create an environment where your people can do their best work and have the best chance of reaching their full potential.
  • Ready to take an up close and personal look into your ways of working, environment and culture through the lens of an independent expert
  • Aware that you need to think about the way you work and socialise together, as much as what you get done
  • Already understand that culture eats strategy for breakfast

The overview

You’ll work in partnership with an expert facilitator to respectfully review your culture and ways of working, making sure they match up to the direction of the business. 

Reviewing your culture – and improving it – can often be the key to unlocking your organisation’s potential. At the same time, it helps your people feel good about their work, supporting them to cultivate a healthy work-life balance.

The detail

An expert facilitator will lead you through the steps, teasing out the tricky – and sometimes tender – information that leads to breakthroughs and aha moments. There’s plenty of big thinking, with space for celebration and joy too.

A by-product of this work is always improved employee engagement, better team working and greater performance.

The benefits

Big changes are often instigated by the board room and filtered from the top down. We believe that change is more effective (and less painful) when it’s managed in a bottom up approach.

Employees who have been engaged in business review, problem solving and shaping the future are much more engaged than those who are simply told what’s happening. Research proves that when you give people the chance to contribute to their working future, they’re more likely to go the extra mile to deliver it.   

Our approach to culture development is more impactful, with higher employee engagement and motivation, greater staff retention, exceeded performance levels and generally a much nicer environment for everyone to work in. 

How long does it last?

It varies for each organisation and will be phased around your immediate work. Typically, the initial discovery and phase one of the process can be completed within six months (with the right commitment from the board and leadership).  The level of support that follows is bespoke to each organisation, your commitment and budget. 

To find out more, get in touch



Developing leaders to confidently shape workplaces that enable people to do their best work.



Challenging and supporting people to create and sustain a high-performing business that links purpose and profit.



Revitalise, energise and refocus your teams, helping them to work together more effectively.