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FRANK Leaders

At Frankly, we believe leaders aren’t just the people heading up your business today. Imagine an organisation full of people who are capable of leading. That’s an organisation that’s more proactive, making better decisions, collaborating more effectively and simply getting stuff done – the right way.

Our job is to help unlock the full potential of all your leaders.

We do this by designing your own bespoke solution, based on our leader development programme or working with you to help you identify the gaps and opportunities unique to your culture and vision.

Get in touch to find out more.

Leader Development Programmes

This is for you if you…

  • Want to be the best you can be at leading others
  • Want to learn new tools, techniques and ways of working to improve how effectively you work with others
  • Would like to focus more time working on the business, rather than in it
  • Genuinely care about people and want your team to feel empowered, supported and developed
  • Want to raise the consciousness of your organisation to improve ways of working for all

The overview

Taking leadership to a new level. Unearth your strengths – and discover how to play to them – while learning how to nurture other people, and yourself.

These development programmes are delivered in distinct modules, tailored to your organisation’s needs and supported with one-to-one or peer group coaching.

The detail

Effective leaders need to continually develop four core aspects:

You as a leader

Your signature style and personal presence

Working with others

How you influence, communicate and cultivate relationships

The bigger picture

Your capacity for strategic planning and leading change


The bedrock on which all leader development is now designed

Key questions

How do we get started?

Following an initial discovery phase, we’ll agree a mix and emphasis that suits your unique situation.

What’s the programme like?

We don’t work in the typical classroom-based, academic way. We get stuck in to real-world challenges and opportunities and bring them to life.

Because the modules are experiential, they’ll broaden your leadership toolkit with leading-edge tools, models and thinking. They’ll make you think deeply and differently, leaving you more empowered.

And the work will strengthen your relationship with yourself, improving your confidence and capability, and with others, making you more effective.

Frankly philosophy (our approach)

Our programmes are designed to be transformative for leaders, the organisation and the planet. 

We bring together the best of leadership development (adding models, skills, behaviours to leader’s toolkits) with the deeper leader development processes (which empower leaders to take greater responsibility for their impact). 

We do this by helping leaders to 

  • find their own unique leadership style
  • feel confident in being themselves fully with others
  • deepen their understanding of human beings in general 
  • cultivate more responsible and adult relationships
  • increase their personal power so conflict and challenge can be tackled swiftly and effectively

How long does it last?

Depending on the need, programmes are typically six or 12 months long, with each module requiring a time commitment of two to three days with coaching support in between modules.

Of course we understand that every business is unique and shorter programmes can be delivered.

What other programmes can you offer?

  • Leader as coach

A two-day programme to enable your leaders to unlock talent.

  • High-performing teams

A three to five day programme to ensure your teams can reach their full potential.

  • Leader reset retreat

A three-day intensive senior management retreat, to hit pause and reflect on the triple bottom line; purpose, people and profit.

  • Unlocking resource

A two-day career development programme to turn ambition into action.

  • Wellbeing at work

A two-day programme to boost everyone’s wellbeing.

To find out more, get in touch

Frank Leader manifesto

A pledge for better leadership. One thats balanced, responsible and courageous.

Download PDF



Challenging and supporting people to create and sustain a high-performing business that links purpose and profit



Helping people to work together more successfully



Inspiring you to improve your ways of working, and unlocking your people’s potential