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Whether your teams are working brilliantly together, pulling in different directions, or you’ve spotted gaps, there’s always the potential to do better.

Often, no-one has thought about team dynamics, strengths and weaknesses – and if there’s change in the air too, working together can get rocky.

Our programme is refined to fit your own unique circumstances and designed to help your teams to collaborate more effectively, giving individuals the chance to shine and truly making the sum greater than its parts.

Team coaching


This is for you if you…

  • Are a leader or member of a team that could be working together more effectively
  • Are part of a team that’s under significant pressure, has lost its va va voom or been through major change
  • Are part of a team that’s never had a review into the way you work (but sense it could be better)

The overview

Revitalise, energise and refocus your team, building on strengths, encouraging collaboration and mapping the future together.

The detail

This intensive, creative and liberating programme includes a combination of discovery interviews, off-sites and team coaching processes. 

You’ll explore

  • The key ingredients of an effective team
  • A team audit to assess what’s working and what isn’t
  • How to work with group dynamics
  • Working to individual strengths
  • Creative collaboration
  • Working with difference
  • Reducing unnecessary conflict
  • Having difficult conversations
  • Celebrating success


How long does it last?

Choose between six-month and 12-month options.

Includes discovery interviews, two-day off-sites and team coaching processes. 

Typically, we’ll do a one-to-one discovery interview with every member of the team, followed by a two-day offsite event to start the work.

This is usually followed with a rhythm of half-day reviews and one day offsites each quarter. We keep working until the work is done – and that varies from team to team. Most teams who successfully come through this process, commit to a twice a year check-in once the programme is up and running in their team.

Free team health check PDF

Your guide to cultivating and sustaining high performing teams throughout your business

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Developing leaders to confidently shape workplaces that enable people to do their best work.



Challenging and supporting people to create and sustain a high-performing business that links purpose and profit.



Inspiring you to improve your ways of working, and unlocking your people’s potential.